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Viešoji įstaiga "Vilniaus tarptautinė mokykla"

Pagrindinė mokykla
Vilnius, Rusų g. 3, Vilnius
+370 5 276 1564
Klasės nuo 1 iki 11

Vilnius International School was founded in 2004 by a group of parents and educators from Denmark, Finland, Lithuania and the United States, each of whom sought an educational experience for their children different from that available in Vilnius at the time. They envisioned a school that reflected the values of a democratic and multicultural society, while paying homage to Lithuanian culture and tradition.
In 2004, VIS opened as a pre-school and kindergarten with only 25 children and the school was located in the suburbs of Vilnius. By 2009 we had outgrown our forest home and moved to a more spacious building in Vilnius Old Town.
In 2011 we became an IB World School, the first in Lithuania to offer the Primary Years Programme (PYP). This year VIS has expanded to 10th grade with a student population of over 230 representing more than 30 countries.
In 2013, VIS became an authorized International Baccalaureate’s MYP (Middle Years Programme) school.
Mission: Cultivating learners with the mental agility and confidence of spirit to become culturally proficient human beings.
Vision: To be the reason that families choose to make Vilnius their home.
Tagline: Learning for challenge and change
To prepare students to be successful in their next stage of learning.

To create an environment that supports the learning, personal growth and wellbeing of all members of the school community.

To provide a challenging and inquiry-based curriculum in English for all students.

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Mokyklų žemėlapis


Paskutinės padėkos

Ačiū už nuostabias pamokas :D

Noriu padėkoti, nes kiekvieną pamoką jūs mane motyvuojate mokytis ne tik biologija, bet ir kitas įvairias mokslo šakas. Jūs sudominote mokslu kuriuo nemaniau, kad kada nors būsiu susidomėjęs

Rima Ulozienė2023-10-12

Labai kompetetinga mokytoja, puikiai moka prieiti prie vaiko, mano sūnus buvo labai uždaras, bet mokytoją Rimą jis prisileido ir su noru ėjo į darželį. Ilgimės šios nuostabios mokytojos. Sėkmės ir kantrybės darbuose.

Dekinga visaip! Tobula mokytoja

Ačiū Jums už viską, miela MOKYTOJA!🥰